Instituttet afholder løbende foredrag, koncerter, performances, oplæsninger mm. I samarbejde med den danske ambassade inviterer vi til filmforevisninger på Instituttet, ligesom vi faciliterer danske kunstneres optræden på Athens Jazz festival. Desuden arrangerer Instituttet jævnligt konferencer og foredrag for forskere og andre interesserede. Læs mere om kommende og tidligere arrangementer på de følgende sider.
Afholdte arrangementer er tilgængelige på Instituttets youtube-kanal.
Tilmeld dig vores nyhedsbrev her og modtag information om kommende arrangementer.
17:00 – 19:00
Artist Talk: Inger Sif Heeschen
By Inger Sif Heeschen
16:00 – 18:00
Lecture: Ida Hornung Havgaard: From Gold to Oblivion and Back
By Ida Honung Havgaard
16:00 – 18:00
The Danish Institute at Athens: Annual Meeting
16:00 – 18:00
Artist Talk: Marie Lund
By Marie Lund
16:00 – 18:00
Lecture: Terne Thorsen: Challenging Monuments: Protest, Vandalism and Everyday Iconoclasm
Amalie Skovmøller: On the question of representation in public statues in Denmark
By Amalie Skovmøller
Matthew Larsen: The prison of late ancient Corinth and its captives
Film Screening: A Perfectly Normal Family
Prison Project Lecture - Naomi Reiss: Christianity and the (Literary) Prison Record
By Naomi Reiss
Concert - Sistro Duo: Sounds from the North
Film Screening: That Time of Year
Evan Levine: Exile, and Everyday Life in the Roman Cyclades
By Evan Levine
Concert: Matilde Wallevik and Michael Brownlee Walker: “Among Sirens”
By Matilde Wallevik
DIA Lecture - Christian Dahl: Exploring the world with the Ancient Greek Novels
Niels Bargfeldt: Behind reconstructed bars: Visualizing the carceral spaces of antiquity as virtual environments
DIA Lecture: Anne Romme - Learning from Nature: Biomimetic architecture imagined and built
By Anne Romme
Lecture: Mark Letteney: "The Prison Project: new research on ancient incarceration at the University of Copenhagen"
Author talk: Christina Hagen
The Constant Participant: Constructing and Affirming Identity through Material Culture in Ancient Greek Sanctuaries and Modern Museums
By Sanne Hoffmann
Annual meeting 2024
Underwater Archaeology and Cultural Resources: Methodology, Preservation and Communication – A Dialogue Between Denmark and Greece: Communication
Concert by WHI Ensemble Athens
Underwater Archaeology and Cultural Resources: Methodology, Preservation and Communication – A Dialogue Between Denmark and Greece Preservation 2